Bad air quality in Colorado causes thousands of kids to miss school each year, new initiative in place to combat issue

Source: 11 News

Brian Sherrod reports on the concerning statistics from the Colorado Department of Education, revealing over 113,000 students being chronically absent due to poor air quality. The Colorado Department of Health and Environment, in collaboration with the University of Colorado Boulder, is addressing this issue by implementing indoor quality systems in thousands of classrooms. Dr. Serene Almomen, CEO and Co-Founder of Attune, leading this initiative, emphasizes the necessity of ensuring air quality in schools, stating that students and teachers have no choice but to be in schools. The efforts include optimizing HVAC systems and deploying a sensor-based platform to monitor temperature, humidity, CO2, and other contaminants, providing real-time feedback to staff. With a 24/7 monitoring system, the initiative aims to enhance cognitive performance, reduce health risks, and combat chronic absenteeism. Almomen mentions the installation of new systems in 369 Colorado Public School buildings, covering over 3,000 classes across 25% of Colorado school districts, funded by the CDC.

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